Meanwood and Chapel Allerton

Contact us

Who’s who & contacts

Vanessa Brown

Vanessa Brown

Community Development Project Manager;
07961 535 767

Maureen Lillywhite

Maureen Lillywhite

Community Development Worker
07877 394 816

Our Trustees represent our partner churches (as listed below). They are Rev. John Rogers; Charles Laxton; Rev. Angela Hughes; Rev. Simon Jones; and Rev. Guy Austin-Bride.

Our management team is made up of volunteers who live locally and meet once a month to support Vanessa and Maureen in their paid roles. They are: Charles Laxton, Hilary Wilson, David Keighley, and Rev. Angela Hughes. Together, they also represent our partner churches.

Our partner churches are Holy Trinity, Meanwood; Meanwood Valley Baptist; Stainbeck United Reformed; and St. Matthew’s, Chapel Allerton. We are also partnered with Leeds South and West Methodist Circuit.